Workshop: Moving services online

Moving services online: benefits and pitfalls of supervision and coaching over the Internet: from practice to further study.

Dr. Kate Anthony (UK), coach and co-founder of the Online Therapy Institute 

Dr. Stephen Goss (UK), principal lecturer on the Professional Studies at the Metanoia Institute, London and research-director at the Online Therapy Institute

Dr Anthony will introduce some central methods of how technology is used currently for therapy, coaching, and clinical supervision including, but not limited to: email; chat; telephone; video; and virtual reality. She will explain the answers to the most frequently asked questions about ethics, such as privacy and confidentiality, as well as geographical limitations and legal restrictions in an increasingly electronically connected world. Delegates are encouraged to bring their own questions and concerns about online services.

Dr Goss will illuminate the world of research in the field currently being explored in academia on doctoral programs at the Metanoia Institute in London. Delegates are encouraged to share what areas of research they feel should be prioritised for the profession in light of how technology has changed the way we communicate as a society and as a profession.