Margaux Raynaud

Professioneel profiel

Hi, I'm Margaux.
Leaving behind me 12 years of studying and working in international human rights and criminal justice, I reconverted to life coaching in 2020 and decided to open my own coaching practice, One Coaching. My mission as a life coach is to help my clients live their lives with a greater sense of integrity and agency. That's because I believe that with each person that becomes empowered, this contributes to the progress and well-being of society as a whole. 
A common thread amongst individuals interested in life coaching is this feeling of being stuck somewhere - in their relationships, in their careers, in their mentality, in their learnings, or more generally in their lives. This feeling can apply to specific questions or be more indeterminate. In my coaching, I follow the basic principle that you are the only one who knows where you should be going. My role as a life coach is to guide you in finding your own answers and setting up your own course.
My strategy to unlocking the situation is to encourage you to 'find your ground', that is the position from which you can take decisions to shape your future more confidently. This requires identifying the sort of person that you want to be and using that as a compass to build the life that you want. Together, we will understand what's going on and develop strategies to move forward. Finally, I will support you as you are acting toward implementing these strategies. 


One Coaching

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